

Mend The Marriage – Does It Work?

Mend The Marriage – Brad Browning


Brad Browning’s “Mend the Marriage” program is easily the most comprehensive and most effective guide to stopping divorce and saving your marriage. After reviewing a number of similar products, I recommend “Mend the Marriage” as the #1 choice for anyone facing a marriage crisis.

  • Creator: Brad Browning
  • Contents: digital program, videos
  • Price: $49.95
  • is the official website

Marriages can all go through difficult times. A union may lose its vitality due to a loss of initial spark or a lack of communication.

Cheating, or the temptation to cheat, can also endanger a marriage. While some marriages fail at the first sign of trouble, others survive because the people involved believe they are worth fighting for.

However, you cannot expect to fight unless you have the proper equipment. “Mend the Marriage,” created by Brad Browning, is one of the best you can use.

Consider this program if you want to give your marriage a real chance at redemption.

Every marriage is unique, which is what makes them so beautiful when things go well.

Brad Browning may not be able to observe your marriage and provide specific advice, but the information provided here can be applied in a variety of situations

Key Features

  •  45,000 word professionally-designed e-book
  •  7-part live-person video series
  • 3 high-quality bonus PDF’s (30-40+ pages each)​
  • 25-chapter professional audio course
  • 3-part “team building” worksheets

Access to this program

About This Program

Mend the marriage is an e-book about how to avoid divorce and save your marriage. This program includes advice and techniques to assist you in saving and strengthening your marriage.

This book contains a highly effective ABCD system that will help you stay calm and focused while working to save your marriage. This program will help you save the time and money you would have spent on traditional marriage counseling.

ABCD can be broken down as such:

  • A – Accept the Situation: This isn’t as simple as it appears. Brad walks you through some real-life examples to help you understand how you can come to terms with where your relationship is at. He delves into the inner qualities you must cultivate to make this process easier for you, such as courage, optimism, and others.
  • B – Build Resilience: To help you feel better as you go, Brad shares ways you can build emotional resilience to help you get through these next steps. It’s about figuring out what works for you and getting out there and enjoying life while you’re at it. Brad provides immediate actions you can take to feel the impact immediately.
  • C – Commit to change: Some habits in our marriage are so ingrained that changing them can be difficult. For example, you may be accustomed to arguing over trivial matters or constantly putting each other down. It’s about realizing that, while you can’t change your spouse, you can change your circumstances.
  • D – Dedicate yourself to the task: This is without a doubt my favorite section. Why? Because relationships require effort and commitment. This section is concerned with determining what needs to be changed. And the decision is entirely yours. The chapters that follow will help you discover what this is and how to put it into action.

It was created with a strong understanding of marriages, how they can go wrong, and how they can be helped. The book portion of “Mend the Marriage” explains how marriages can go wrong and what spouses can do to make them better.

Mend The Marriage is a system for accepting one’s situation, developing resilience, committing to change, and devoting oneself to the task at hand. The program emphasizes the importance of accepting your current situation before proceeding. You frequently feel betrayed by your partner.

Using “ABCD,” couples can avoid conflict and rediscover their love for one another.

Be aware that begging and crying are not attractive behaviors that will entice your partner to remain with you. This program will teach you that you must accept responsibility for your marital problems and make the necessary changes to save your marriage.

This program will teach you that the dynamics of a relationship are created by both parties’ actions. Brad Browning created the Mend the Marriage program to help you restore and rekindle your passion for your marriage.

This program includes hands-on materials that test and expand your knowledge.

The material covers a variety of situations, such as dealing with cheating and assisting children in understanding divorce.

Reading “Mend the Marriage” will provide you with practical information presented in a practical manner.

If you believe you’ve tried “everything” to save your marriage, you can try one more time with this system.

About Brad Browning

Brad Browning is a relationship coach who specializes in divorce and breakups. He has assisted thousands of men and women all over the world in reversing breakups, mending marriages, and avoiding divorce.

He believes that true love is worth fighting tooth and nail.

If the most important person in your life—someone you chose to marry and invite into every aspect of your life—is on the verge of ending, shouldn’t you do everything you can to save it?

Brad Browning believes so.

And it’s true, that kind of love is hard to come by. He teaches people how to fix relationship problems in both The Ex Factor and Mend the Marriage, with the goal of being closer than ever before.

Brad lives in Vancouver, Canada. He assists men and women all over the world, and not just through his courses and guides. He also offers one-on-one coaching sessions to his clients.

Brad Browning - Mend The Marriage

He also has a YouTube channel with over 500,000 subscribers and a slew of videos aimed at assisting people with their relationships.

Brad has learned a lot about human psychology as a relationship expert. Thousands of clients he’s helped over the years have told him that they wish there was a way to repair a damaged or broken relationship. He’s discovered a really great way to help them based on his over 12 years of experience delving deep into the psychology and nature of people in relationships.

What’s In The Program?

By using “Mend the Marriage,” you can see things that may have been obscured by poor decision-making or flawed thought processes.

In essence, you’ll need to reverse the course you’ve been on to save your marriage. It’s similar to fixing a car that has been making odd noises.

Your marriage will suffer if you don’t think highly of your spouse or don’t think about them at all.

Mend The Marriage, unlike similar programs, does not require you to change who you are or what you want. The ‘ABCD’ method, on the other hand, encourages you to draw on and strengthen your inner qualities in order to make your marriage work. This method is taught throughout the program as you progress through the chapters and discover simple ways to become a happier, more confident individual and partner.

The procedure is divided into four stages to allow for gradual and healthy progress. The first two stages (A and B) focus on preparing to repair your marriage, while the last two (C and D) focus on taking action and rebuilding your relationship. Don’t worry; all of the steps, exercises, actions, and bonding activities are laid out for you so you know exactly what to do.

Here’s a quick look at what Mend The Marriage comes with:

  1. Main eBook (eBook and audio files)
  2. Video Series
  3. Audio Course
  4. Free Bonus #1: Infidelity Survival Guide
  5. Free Bonus #2: Children and Divorce
  6. Free Bonus #3:  Money Matters
  7. Free Bonus #4: Team Building Worksheets

Perhaps most importantly, it’s very clear that the psychological techniques recommended in “Mend the Marriage” have been researched and tested by men and women in the real world.  Brad Browning is an experienced marriage coach, and his time working with married couples facing divorce is very evident throughout the book. He also includes a number of “Ask the Counsellor” boxes where a certified couples counselor weighs in on a variety of hot topics.

Brad claims that almost all marriages can be salvaged, even if things seem hopeless right now… and while that may sound unreasonable at first, I actually tend to think he’s being completely honest.  It’s no stretch to imagine that, as he states on his website, anyone who reads and applies his techniques is almost guaranteed to see dramatic improvements in their marriage.  The testimonials on his website are clear evidence that this program works, too.

Mend The Marrigae Review

The pros of “Mend The Marriage”

  • This program can help both men and women who are having marital problems. It is best to go through it with your partner to reap the most benefits.
  • Personal approach: I appreciate Brad Browning’s personal approach to the course. He takes the time to connect with you throughout. In fact, you almost feel like you’re in a couple’s therapy session with him.
  • Appeals to all: He uses ‘she’ and ‘he’ interchangeably throughout the book, making it as relatable to both parties as possible, which I think is a really nice touch.-
  • ‘Ask the Counsellor’ sessions: The additional ‘Ask the Counsellor’ sessions scattered throughout the book add even more value to the program, providing intermittent professional opinions to help you deal with specific circumstances. This shift in perspective was both enjoyable and valuable to me, and I felt it added significantly to the book.
  • If you aren’t satisfied with the program after 60 days, you can get a full refund.

The cons of the book…

  • There is no tailored advice for a couple’s specific situation.
  • You must make an effort to put the program’s information into practice. There is no quick fix or magic pill that will instantly save your marriage.


Marriages would not be worth it if they did not necessitate care. You may be evaluating the path yours has taken and considering what you could have done differently.

While that list is likely to be lengthy, attempting to list all of your errors will not help.

Using a program like “Mend The Marriage” will be beneficial. What we liked best about Brad Browning is that he will not make you false promises of instant gratification.

He is open and honest about who his program is and isn’t for.

Never take your marriage for granted or assume that a quick glance at this program will provide you with all the answers you require.

Keep yourself accountable, and remember to appreciate the beauty of a happy marriage.

By clicking the “Watch Intro Video Here” , you can watch Brad Browning’s first video for free. We wish you all the best!